If you're not happy, we're not happy. That's why ToolingBox offers you a hassle-free returns policy.
We gladly accept returns of unworn merchandise within 15 days from the date of order recieving (as recorded by the shipping provider).
You may select one of two ways to receive your refund:
- A refund of the item purchase price, made in the original form of payment.
- –OR-
- A ToolingBox Gift Card – this is store credit for the following: the item purchase price, any relevant customization fee, and the shipping fee associated with the returned item(s)
For returns made within 15 days from the date of order receiving, you will be eligible for a refund of the item purchase price in the form of an ToolingBox Gift Card (valid for one year). Please note, we do not accept returns for the used inserts, or beyond 15 days from the date of order receiving.
Please note that we do not offer exchanges. If you are not satisfied with your inserts, please return your item(s) and place a new order & feel free to mention any changes that we should take into account from your previous order.
Preparing your return – Please initiate your returns online through the following steps:
- email us via, inform us your account ID( email address or mobile Phone No.) and your order No.
- State the "RETURN DETAILS" to us about your return reason. We will send you a "Return Authorization Request" if approval.
- Let us know via this request why you’re not satisfied, so that we can serve you better in the future
- Print out the request and include it in your return package after our confirmation.
- Packing & shipping your return
The customers need to pay the return shipping. We do not accept packages returned using C.O.D. (Cash on Delivery) service. Return shipping charges are non-refundable. And please return through your local post office to avoid tax.
- Refund Policy On receipt of returned orders that meet the above return requirements, based on your selection, ToolingBox will either:
- Refund you the purchase price of your returned item(s) in the original form of payment
- –OR–
- Provide you with a ToolingBox Gift Card for the following: the purchase price of your returned item(s), any relevant customization fee, and the shipping fee associated with the returned item(s)
- We will process your refund within 3 business days from the date of receipt of your returns at our facility. Please note that depending on your credit or debit card company, it may take additional days after your credit is applied for it to post to your account. Please note that if you choose to receive your refund via the original form of payment, you will not be reimbursed for any customization fees or original shipping and handling fees. Discounts availed through a gift coupon, special offer or any other promotional offer will be deducted while processing refunds. Gift Card: For orders purchased with a Gift Card, your refund will be applied to the same Gift Card or a new Gift Card will be issued. Returned items purchased with a Gift Card are not eligible for a cash refund. Overstock or Special Offer Products: Return of Overstock or Special Offer products will only be refunded in the form of a Gift Card valid for one year.
Contact Us for A Return
Tel: +86 10 5290 2905
9 a.m. - 18 p.m.
Monday -Sunday
Chat with us 7 days a week